Set in an idyllic setting within the impressive grounds of Lydney Park Estate, the Sawmill has grown steadily since it opened in 1996.
The timber supplied from the Sawmill is grown on the Lydney Park Estate, which is managed under stringent FSC® guidelines and is accredited under the UK Woodland Assurance Scheme, ensuring good forestry practice and sustainability for the future. Within this time the Sawmill has expanded its timber products and client base and now supplies volumes of timber to the general public as well as some of the larger local builders and tradespeople.
The Sawmill can cut timber to meet specific customer requirements from timber supplied off the Estate as well as offering an hourly cutting service. The woodland is planted with a varied mix of softwoods and hardwoods both providing excellent timber products. The species available include:
Set in an idyllic setting within the impressive grounds of Lydney Park Estate, the Sawmill has grown steadily since it opened in 1996.
Set in an idyllic setting within the impressive grounds of Lydney Park Estate, the Sawmill has grown steadily since it opened in 1996.
The sawmill supplies timber products for both domestic fencing and agricultural fencing including:
The sawmill offers a variety of cladding including shiplap, loglap, tongue and groove board, waney edge boards as well as decking boards.
We can supply freshly cut sawn green oak which is popular with some of the local larger scale builders and has been used locally for fence posts, green oak beams, lintels etc.
The increasing popularity of wood burners has lead to more demand for firewood. Lydney Park Sawmill sells cut hardwood firewood and softwood firewood at very competitive prices, as well as wood chippings and peelings, which are available delivered or at a discounted price if collected.
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Contact Steve Harrison